
This site is provided for your enjoyment with a minimum amount of advertising. If you’d like to donate a bit to help me continue to ‘pass it on’ I would be grateful. Your donation will help pay for the domain registration, website, and file hosting charges. Several services are used to keep the site safe and reliable for everyone around the world, but it all costs money. Click the Donate button below to donate through PayPal. You do not need to open a PayPal account if you want to simply donate by credit card. Thank you, Eric


A Note regarding Donations & Compensation

If you feel the information presented on this site benefits you and would like to help offset the costs of maintaining the site and storing the recordings, please use the ‘donate’ button above to give a donation. Use of the links on this site to purchase goods or services will also help. I have established affiliate relationships and/or other material connections to the providers of goods or services mentioned or linked on this website and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider (example; if you click on an ad on this site). Donations and affiliate compensation help me to pay ahead on web expenses to keep the site available for many years to come. Donations or compensation in excess of my expenses will be forwarded to local or national service groups. Please note that donations are not tax-deductible.